Industry News Company News


Industrial Metal Detector in HongKong KOH THAI GROUP located in HongKong and they offer fast foods to  restaurants in HongKong. We offered them economical metal detector YS-4035A for their application.

Liquid Filling and Capping Machine in China SHANGHAI TINGTOP FOOD CO., LTD. is state-owned food enterprises, belong to YIMIN Group. Tingtop specialize in produce drunken crabs, drunken say spaper-bubble etc. Our automatic liquid filling machine DLF-100-2H and Automatic Screw capping machine are used to solve liquid fill in to bottles and automatic screw bottle caps.  In this way, to save labour cost and get a better quality control.

Check Weigher working in Bearing Industry Check Weigher working in bearing production industry to avoid metal ball loss on finshed bearing.

Combination Metal Detector and Check Weigher in Belgium Combination Metal Detector and Check Weigher working in food factory  in Belgium

Check Weigher in Canada MEGA Brands Inc. is world famous toy manufacturer in Canada, SINBON's metal detector and check weigher work in their production line.

Liquid Filing and Capping Line in China Liquid filling and capping line used for factory filling 4L liquid to bottles and capping bottles. It includes below machines:

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